Dear Birth Parent(s),
Thank you so much for considering us to be the family of your child. We understand how this decision must be an incredible struggle for you as you are trying to determine what the best situation is for you and your baby. We are so grateful for your selflessness in considering adoption, and are keeping you in our prayers daily. We pray that our loving Heavenly Father will guide you in making this difficult decision.
We both come from large families and have been raised with good values, love, and laughter. We have extended these values into our married lives. We have always known that we wanted to be parents. In fact, before we were even officially engaged, we talked about the names that we would give our children! As we got married and tried to start a family, we were devastated that bearing our own children was not in God’s plan for us. At this difficult time in our lives, we turned to the Lord for guidance and comfort. Through a lot of prayer and fasting, we have felt peace. Part of that healing process came from the understanding that God loves us and that there will be children brought into this world that will come to us through adoption. Since that time, we have prepared ourselves and home for this opportunity.
Ours is a home where strong Christian values are taught and practiced. We will teach our children through words and actions how to love the Savior and to respect our neighbors. Our home also is one where a good education is given a high importance. Music is a strong part of our lives and we want to share this with our children either through participation or informed appreciation. We want to give our children the opportunity to learn and do all that is good, and we hope that we can be good examples for them.
We love to do things together as a family. We will travel together, play games together, read together, sing together, pray together, and build strong family bonds. We know that by centering our family in Christ, this will be possible.
We again are grateful for your consideration of our family, and know that you will be guided into making whatever decision is the best for you and your child.
Thank you,
Steve and Jaylene
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